Purchasing and Accounts Payable
What We Do
The Purchasing and Accounts Payable Office is dedicated to the effective and efficient procurement of goods and services which best support the University's Strategic Initiatives.
The Purchasing and Accounts Payable Office is dedicated to the effective and efficient procurement of goods and services which best support the University's Strategic Initiatives. We will accomplish this through exceptional customer service, innovative processes and ethical sound business practices.
Purchasing and Accounts Payable Policies
Business Travel and Entertainment Policies
Vendor Request Form
Tax Exempt Forms
- New York State Tax Exempt
- Florida Tax Exempt
- Colorado Tax Exempt
- Idaho Tax Exempt
- Illinois Tax Exempt
- Iowa Tax Exempt
- Kansas Tax Exempt
- Kentucky Tax Exempt
- Maine Tax Exempt
- Michigan Tax Exempt
- Minnesota Tax Exempt
- New Jersey Tax Exempt
- North Carolina Tax Exempt
- North Dakota Tax Exempt
- Ohio Tax Exempt
- South Dakota Tax Exempt
- Texas Tax Exempt
- Vermont Tax Exempt
- Wyoming Tax Exempt
Other Forms
- W-9
- Banner Access Request Form
- Bookstore Authorized Buyer Form
- Budget Transfer Request Form
- Paper Requisition
- Equipment Disposal Form
- Gift Card Form
- Honorarium Form
- Missing Receipt Form
- Reimbursement Form
- Standard Engagement Agreement
- Professional Affiliate Agreement
- Capital Purchase Form and Instructions
- Employee / Independent Contractor Checklist
Utica University is responsible for paying for business related expenses that support its mission. Employees are responsible for prudently using University resources for business related purchases, and the University provides a One Card Program to allow designated employees to do so.
(Note: For Tax-Exempt Forms, see Purchasing Forms and Instructions, above)
Helpful Links
Vendors | Vendor Discounts for Utica University Employees
(Note: For employee use only. Login required.)
Business Services Newsletter
Purchasing and Accounts Payable Staff
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For a general list of frequently used logins, you can also visit our logins page.