What We Do
Founded in 1981 by Utica University Professor Eugene Nassar, the Eugene Paul Nassar Ethnic Heritage Studies Center serves as a focal point for research, teaching, and public service related to ethnicity in American life.
Founded in 1981 by Utica University Professor Eugene Nassar, the Eugene Paul Nassar Ethnic Heritage Studies Center serves as a focal point for research, teaching, and public service related to ethnicity in American life.
The Utica University Department of Facilities Management is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the buildings and grounds of all University buildings, grounds, athletic fields, vehicles, utilities infrastructure.
The primary responsibility of the offices in Financial Affairs is to provide for the stewardship of the institution's financial resources and meet the fiduciary responsibilities of external parties while supporting the Utica University community in meeting its educational goals.
The Wilcox Center is a space for gathering, meeting, relaxing, and collaborating.
Resources and information for Graduate Students at Utica University.
The Health and Wellness Center strives to meet students' overall health needs and promotes optimum wellness by providing an array of services and preventative programs. We are here to be the educators and supporters of students to help improve and sustain overall well being for body, mind, and soul.
Located on the second floor of Strebel Center, Utica University's Student Health Center strives to meet students' needs during illness and injury, and promotes optimum health and wellness.
Utica University's History Department provides an innovative program that exposes students to a wide variety of topics in American, European, and Non-Western content areas.
The Office of Human Resources serves dedicated faculty and staff, who are committed to the mission of the college. Being part of Utica University means being part of a community, which is friendly, supportive, highly educated, and diverse.
The Institute partners with integrative healthcare organizations and educational institutions to advance systems change in healthcare; uplift traditional world medicines and indigenous healing systems; expand access and equity in IH for underresourced and vulnerable populations and innovate in education, research and health care delivery to enhance opportunities for students and faculty and enrich campus life.
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